

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

I'm happy to go get stuff at costco, but I'd like to share the expense of food. If there is something you want, add it here!


Food Schedule

Friday night - Eat on the way.

Saturday Morning - Gruel/Oatmeal Packets

Saturday Lunch - ?

Saturday Dinner - Cookout

Sunday Breakfast - Gruel or pancakes if someone wants to be in charge of them.

Get lunch on the way back or in Seattle.


Snacks: What do you want?


BBQ: What do you want? someone who eats meat should come along on the shopping trip to help pick out meat!

Grilling veggies are also a plus.



Gruel, obviously! Oatmeal is for the weak!

[JonM: I can make pancakes/eggs/etc, if there is cookware at the lodge. Do y'all remember if there is? Heck, if there's a blender, I can make crepes! Beth: I can volunteer for a breakfast of migas, too, if people are into eggs.]



Lunch: DIY Sandwiches?



- Milk (whole or 2%, preferably whole)

- Eggs

- Butter

- Gruel/oatmeal fodder

- Grilling meats & veggies

- Some kind of side dish for Saturday dinner (pasta/potato salad/green salad?)

- Bread

- PB & J?

- fresh fruit

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