I'm happy to go get stuff at costco, but I'd like to share the expense of food. If there is something you want, add it here!
Food Schedule
Friday night - Eat on the way.
Saturday Morning - Gruel/Oatmeal Packets
Saturday Lunch - ?
Saturday Dinner - Cookout
Sunday Breakfast - Gruel or pancakes if someone wants to be in charge of them.
Get lunch on the way back or in Seattle.
Snacks: What do you want?
BBQ: What do you want? someone who eats meat should come along on the shopping trip to help pick out meat!
Grilling veggies are also a plus.
Gruel, obviously! Oatmeal is for the weak!
[JonM: I can make pancakes/eggs/etc, if there is cookware at the lodge. Do y'all remember if there is? Heck, if there's a blender, I can make crepes! Beth: I can volunteer for a breakfast of migas, too, if people are into eggs.]
Lunch: DIY Sandwiches?
- Milk (whole or 2%, preferably whole)
- Eggs
- Butter
- Gruel/oatmeal fodder
- Grilling meats & veggies
- Some kind of side dish for Saturday dinner (pasta/potato salad/green salad?)
- Bread
- PB & J?
- fresh fruit
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