

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Launch Prep Procedure


  1. Check weather and confirm go for launch
  2. Bring out cases
  3. Stake down filling tarp
  4. Set up assembly table
  5. Position helium bottle
  6. Attach regulator to tank
  7. Weigh payload
  8. Clean fill device with alcohol
  9. Blow out regulator hose before attaching
  10. Attach fill device to regulator
  11. Set up lift counterweights with callibrated weight
  12. Set up balloon tie-down weights
  13. Confirm communications between launch and recovery crews


Ground Station Setup Procedure


  1. Set up car batteries
  2. Set up primary tracking station (Public Tube)
  3. Set up secondary tracking station (Bre's laptop)
  4. Set up tertiary tracking station (JohnM's laptop)
  5. Set up directional antenna
  6. Set up and stake out large ground station antenna
  7. Turn on ground station logging


Ground Station Checkpoint


Check non-payload tracking capability

Check that data is being logged


Payload Setup Procedure


  1. Set up hull on assembly table
  2. Connect pre-launch battery


Payload Setup Checkpoint


Check all connectors

Check still camera settings: infinity focus, max resolution, flash off, empty SD card

Check video camera is empty

Check hull for signage

Check antenna attachment


[T-60?] Balloon Fill Procedure


  1. Put on cotton gloves
  2. Attach balloon to fill device
  3. Attach weight to fill device
  4. Fill balloon until neutral
  5. Tie off balloon above fill device
  6. Remove balloon from fill device
  7. Put cargo loop on balloon stem
  8. Fold balloon stem and tie balloon
  9. Belay balloon to tie-down weight
  10. Repeat for second balloon



Balloon Checkpoint


Check ballon stem ties

Check cargo loop integrity

Check ballon belays


[T-30?] Balloon Rigging Procedure


  1. Lay out lift train
  2. Remove twist from lift train
  3. Put battery in secondary cutdown device
  4. Set secondary cutdown device timer to approximate value
  5. Attach balloon tethers to balloons



Balloon Rigging Checkpoint


Check secondary cutdown device active

Check parachute for tangles

Check rigging for tangles

Check primary cutdown device standoff


T-6 Payload Startup Procedure


  1. Plug in flight batteries
  2. Power on still cameras: 3 second delay between cameras
  3. Power on phone
  4. Power on video camera
  5. Power on radio

Payload Startup Checkpoint


Check balloons ready

Check still cameras on

Check video camera on

Check radio antenna

Check radio tracking

Check phone tracking


Stop: Disconnect batteries; possibly replace



T-3 Payload Seal Procedure


  1. Enable video camera
  2. Seal video camera compartment
  3. Seal hull
  4. Enable still cameras on controller


Payload Seal Checkpoint


Check tracking

Confirm cameras taking pictures

Check payload seal and harness attachment



T-1 Release Procedure


  1. Reset secondary cutdown device timer to correct time
  2. Connect payload harness to tether end
  3. Fluff parachute
  4. Release balloons from tie-down weight, slowly
  5. Let up balloons to end of tether


Release Checkpoint


Check rigging for tangles

Check cutdown device positioning

Check secondary cutdown device timer active

Check payload attachment

Check radio antenna

Check shrieker active

Confirm human tracker ready


Go for flight


T-0 Release


  1. Let Go
  2. Call FAA

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